As I started this post, I realized it is basically brought to you by the letter P. And, of course, by the number 3. At Jackson's party, there was a PLAYGROUND:
Listen for the giggle in the video. Cracks me up every time!
I love Hayley's "Evil Eye" in this one.
(Such a cute, sweet smile when he realizes that, "Yes, everyone is singing to me!")
And there were PRESENTS:
He opened these drums right after opening a kiddie guitar. Apparently, he's very musically inclined. I never knew. :)
And there were PARTY GUESTS:
And, of course, over the next few days, there was major PLAYTIME with all his new toys!
See? Musically inclined. ;)
This happy boy also started PRESCHOOL, but that will get its own post. As soon as Jeremy emails me the pictures he took of Jackson on his first day. Hint, hint Husband. :)
Happy Birthday dear Jackson, Happy Birthday to YOU!