Friday, October 12, 2012

The Treehouse

Hayley has a fantastic memory.  So when Jeremy and my stepdad Robert mentioned to her that they would possibly build her a treehouse at the cabin, she did not forget.  On the contrary, she reminded them about it each and every cabin trip.  This summer, they made good on their word.  My mom and I were thinking a cute little playhouse.  We should have known better putting our husbands in charge of the project.  It's anything but little.


Don't worry.  Robert has only fallen once.  And he caught himself.  With the tree trunk.  He only scraped off a bunch of the skin on his arm.  I told him it's an awful long half-hour ride to Evanston if you are needing medical attention.  Then I told Jeremy he better not do anything stupid.  And he told me he's not nearly as crazy as Robert.  I'm not sure I believe that...

 Hayley is elated about the whole project, and is out with "the boys" every chance she gets.   Up and down the ladder, passing out tools... Sometimes that girl is a little too brave for my liking.

It is coming along nicely though.  Jeremy said it's been good to have something for him to do until we get snow at the cabin, and can break out the $140 snowmobile we scored off of KSL that Jeremy has been restoring.

Keep your eyes peeled for pictures of the final product.  Hopefully before the snow season sets in.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thanksgiving Point

We'd never done Thanksgiving Point's Two Buck Tuesday that they do every August, and this year it turned out I would be taking the last Tuesday in August off anyway for Jackson's preschool orientation, so I decided we better head on up!

After we were done with the preschool orientation, I checked a surprised Hayley out of school, and told her where we were headed.  I also surprised her with stopping by cousin Zekie's school.  We checked him out for part of the day also.  His mom was cool like that about an educational field trip chaperoned by a teacher playing hookey. :) These cousins were excited to spend the afternoon together.  I don't even remember what they were talking about on the way there, but I know it was cracking me up.

We headed to the dinosaur museum (Museum of Ancient History, I think?) first.  It was really fun, but also pretty crowded.  I love this picture.  They're so like, "Just take the picture already, will you Mom/Aunt!"

Hayley was sweet to help Jackson get in on the dinosaur sand table action.

Nothing like practicing your dinosaur growls.

Right before this we were waiting for some other kids to finish their picture.  The moms told them to sit on that rail.  I'm watching, thinking, "Not a good idea."  Sure enough, before they can even get their picture: "Clunk!"  One of the kids fell straight back and smacked his head on the floor.  Hard.  Not quite the photo op they intended, I'm sure.  Hayley and Zekie watched this mishap, and then Hayley turned to Zekie, and in all seriousness said, "Let's not do that." Yes, Hayley.  Let's not.

This guy was content in the stroller.  For once.  Which is good, because he is a runner, and there were a lot of people.

We did head over to Farm Country for a bit after the dinos.  It was a little bit calmer there, and I let Jackson out of his restraints, er stroller.  In this picture he's laughing at and talking to the ducks.  He kept saying, "Silly ducks! Crazy ducks!  Ducks are swimming! Ducks are walking!"  He had a lot of fun running around outside and seeing all the animals.


Worth the day off, and worth the two bucks a person for sure!
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