Thursday, October 15, 2009

Parental Vocabulary

"The Passover" - the shifting of a new, floppy, awkward infant from one set of arms to another.

"The Transfer" - the act of moving a sleeping child from the car to their bed without waking them. A successful transfer may just be a parenting legend.

"The Last Supper" - the night time claim from a child that they are hungry. Usually coincides exactly with bedtime, and often in accompanied by "The Last Refreshment" and "The Last Relief."

"The Last Refreshment" - the begging for "one more drink." Because apparently, getting ready for bed can make you really parched.

"The Last Relief" - "Mom, I have to go the bathroom!" Usually due to "The Last Refreshment." (See above.)

"The Ahhh" - synonym for a U.I.S. (Uninterrupted Shower). Not to be confused with a UTI.

"The Awww" - an unrehearsed expression of "I love you" from a child. Also used to describe a unwarranted hug or kiss.

"The Oh, ____!" - the spitting up, throwing up, diaper blowout, etc. at the most non-opportune time. To be expected especially if you are running late.

"Mommy Time" - aka Midnight Snack. Or, the five minutes in the parked car before attempting "The Transfer." (See above.)


  1. LOL!!! You kill me, and I relate 100%. I may have to steal this post!

  2. You always make me smile. Just had to tell you that. :)


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