Last weekend, the kids and I met up with my old friend Lyndsey from college. She is a teacher, mom, pro cupcaker (as seen here on Good Things Utah), and a terrific photographer. She took these darling photos of my darlings. These are just a few of my many, many faves from her shoot.

I love them.

So glad we didn't get snowed or rained out.

And that she caught all this cuteness on camera.

I love them.

So glad we didn't get snowed or rained out.

And that she caught all this cuteness on camera.

Especially since she did all this to help this sweet family in their adoption process. All the proceeds she made at her shoots on Saturday went to the Cerans. What a wonderful way apply your talent to a great cause, right? Lyndsey is kind of amazing like that.
Thanks, Heather! I love the ones you posted, too. Your kiddos have so much personality!