I only remembered to take pictures at one out of three of our Thanksgiving dinners. That's right, three. We're kind of spoiled. :) Dinner #1 was at my mom's house on Wednesday night. Lots of fun, yummy food, and good times with my family.

The next day on Thanksgiving we headed to my Aunt Carol's in the afternoon, and then Jeremy's parents that evening. It was so nice to have Jeremy with us for all of the festivities, especially since that will not be the case for the Christmas this year; he has to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Yuck. No pictures from the two get-togethers on the day of Thanksgiving, mostly because I was busy scouring ads and planning my strategy for Black Friday, or Black Thursday, since stores started opening at 9:00 on Thanksgiving Day. It went something like this:
9:00 p.m. - Toys R Us. It was a madhouse, probably because they were the first to open of the night, but I ended up getting everything I wanted. I didn't even get in the door until a half hour after they opened!
Step 2 Cottage Playhouse
Little Tykes Slide
Little Tykes Table
Razor Scooter
Thomas Train Set
12:00 a.m. - Unloaded Load of Loot #1 at my mom's house. Revamped strategy since we had now missed the opening time for WalMart and Target.
12:30 a.m. - ShopKo. Still really busy after opening at 12:00. Waited in line for an hour to check out. Actually got a cart though, which is a bonus on Black Friday.
Princess Toy Box/Seat
Thomas the Train Toy Box/Seat
3 Drawer Craft Cabinet
2:00 a.m. - WalMart - It was dead by the time we got there, since they had been open since 10:00 p.m. the night before. We were in and out in less than an hour.
Leapster games
Cute Cheap Jammies
Cute Cheap Sweatshirts
Ants in SpongeBob Squarepants game
3:00 a.m. - Kohl's. My mom wanted to go over, so we did, but I was pretty much a zombie by then. I didn't buy anything. At least not that I can remember. :)
4:00 a.m. Unloaded Load of Loot #2 at my mom's house. Ate some turkey. Decided to stay at her house since if I went home my kids would be waking me up in 2-3 hours.
9:30 Woke up feeling refreshed enough to go out for another round. Picked up another it up another WalMart (Dora Kitchen and cute cheap t-shirts), Target, Kohl's (jewelry for me), WalMart again, Famous Footwear, and JoAnn's. Oh yeah, and I also went to a movie on Black Friday at 11:10 p.m. with my sister, Breaking Dawn, finally. Loved it.
Fun! Are you done shopping now? Knowing you, you'll be out finding deals for a while still. One question: What are you all doing to Jackson in that one picture?