Favorite Color(s): Purple and Pink
Favorite Food: Strawberries and bananas and the inside of apples (no peel)
Favorite Treat: Ring Pop
Favorite Friend: Cousin Liesje and Sydnee and Payton
Favorite Book: Ariel's Beginning
Favorite Movie/Show: Barbie and the Three Musketeers
Favorite Thing to Do Inside: Play with Jackson
Favorite Thing to Do Outside: Ride her bike and Barbie car
Favorite Thing About Jackson: That he's so cute!
Least Favorite Thing to Do: Have a bandaid taken off.
Funny Things She Says: "That was just an accident!" after doing something naughty, when it was totally on purpose, and she's in trouble for it.
"Mom, I just love our baby so much I can't even stand it! I'm so glad you growed us a baby in your tummy!" He fared better than
other things I've growed.
Favorite Color: Baby Blue
Favorite Food: Jam Sandwich
Favorite Treat: Otter Pops and Popsicles
Favorite Friend: Grandma Heidi
Favorite Book: the little ABC one that he's gnawed the corner off of
Favorite Movie/Show: Monsters vs. Aliens (At least, he liked it well enough to sleep through it, so that Hayley and I got to watch the entire movie.)
Favorite Things to do Inside: Throw things out of his crib. Or if he keeps a binky in his crib, suck on the wrong side. (Like the little handle thingy.)
Favorite Things to Do Outside: Splash in his kiddie pool. Wave to people. Or wave to himself.
Favorite Thing about Hayley: When she "talks" his Thumper stuffed animal while we're driving in the car. She can make him giggle like no one else!
Least Favorite Things to Do: Go to sleep without being rocked. Or sometimes just go to sleep, period. Once he's asleep, he'll still stay asleep well, he just doesn't want to miss anything!
Funny Things He Says: "Na, na." I think he means "No, no" since we say that to him a lot more than "Banana." This kid is on the move, and into everything!