While eating Spaghetti O's for lunch Hayley dripped a bunch on her chin, and then proceeded to tell me that she needed a wet wipe. Okay, fine. I got one and handed it to her. She then wiped her chin, turned to me, grinned, and said, "I have OCD." Which actually may be true, as she is the cleanest two year old I've ever met, and we do kiddingly tell her this on occasion. But to have her say it, unprompted, was hillarious!
Hayley wanted to have a snack before bed. So I gave her the regular choices of cereals plain (not to be confused with "cereal in a bowl with milk and a spoon") or half a bagel plain. Obviously, I'm not into doing anything messy right before bed. She replied, "I have a great idea! Let's go to Chili's and have chips for my snack!" Good effort Hayley, but not going to happen!
She's also totally into pretend play lately. A while ago she was carrying around a basket of pretend kitties. She was so into her own story that when Jeremy took one of the pretend kitties without asking and proceeded to hold it and pet it, an all out fit ensued. Who would have known she would get so worked up over something that isn't even there. Finally, her tease of a daddy put the pretend kitty back into the basket and all was well.
Hayley also frequently needs to call Grandma Heidi to see if she really indeed needs to take a nap. Apparently, sometimes Mom just cannot be trusted. Of course the answer is always yes, but somehow when Grandma Heidi speaks, the nap debate is over.

Then there's this guy. Apparently, he's a character on Nick Jr., Muno I think. We've never seen the show, but this is what I get when I let Hayley pick out a toy. A doll? No. A Care Bear? No. A My Little Pony? No. Only this guy. I just think he's ugly. Which led to me calling him Ugly Face. I stood corrected though, when Hayley informed me his name is Scary Face. It's a good thing I knew what his name was when she woke up in the middle of the night the other night, yelling, "I can't find my Scary Face! Where is my Scary Face?!" Life lesson learned. You don't want to be caught in the night without your Scary Face.
heather, i read this the other day when you posted (and thought i commented then...) and i just reread it & laughed again. Hayley is adorable & she is quite clever!