Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just a little trip to the cabin...

Last weekend we went to Grandpa Bob and Grandma Heidi's cabin. Hayley was just a little excited:

On the way there, we were worried that there wouldn't be enough snow to snowmobile in. Turned out we needn't have been worried. The snow where Hayley is sledding down the walkway was about as tall as her before it was shoveled.

And of course, always time for some snow angels:

And a snowmobile ride with Grandpa:

Now, if I was just a cutesy poster, the post would stop there, but I do like to keep things real. The trip was not all fun and games. On Sunday at about 12:30 my mom and stepdad took off on the snowmobiles to go for a ride. Here's how the rest of my day went:

2:30: Started to expect them back.

3:30: Started to worry.

4:30: Started to be a wreck.

5:30: Decided to actually do something.

Bundled up Hayley, and started to hike out through the three foot snow, down to the little convience store about two miles away, to see if they'd sent anyone to the hospital due to a snowmobiling accident. Of course, as soon as we left the cabin, they showed up about ten minutes later.

Turned out both of the snowmobiles broke down about an hour into their jaunt, and they had been walking for the last four. A nice man gave us a ride in his Rhino back to the cabin (Yes, we accepted a ride from a stranger. Don't tell your children.) where my mom and stepdad were safe and sound, although exhausted and sunburned. Being pretty late in the day, we decided to wait until the next morning to get a rental snowmobile (one that was not from the 1970's, like, ahem, the ones we have), snowmobile up the mountain, tow the two of our snowmobiles down, and ferry all of us and all of our stuff from the cabin to the car. Good times.

I missed work on Monday due to this emergency vacation. Thankfully I was able to track down someone who had cell phone service to get a message to my school that I wouldn't be there. Thanks to my team for covering my bum. Nothing like creating your own Spring Break, eh?

I told my mom we're not going to the cabin in the winter anymore ever again, or until they get some new snowmobiles, whichever comes first. She totally agreed.


  1. Sorry - but my ideal Spring Break does not include snow!! ;)

  2. Oh man what a scary moment!! I'm glad everything turned out okay in the end. I love snowmobiling myself. Glad the first part of Spring Break was good.


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