Friday, June 5, 2009

Preschool Shmeschool!

Hayley started preschool this past week. Since I know she had her own agenda in mind for so many things, I was prepared with something to encourage her to behave. As in, not cry. As in, go willingly. We took a trip to Target where Hayley picked out some "Preschool Prizes." She got to choose a prize if she went to preschool without crying. That's right, I'm not above bribing my child.

Monday was her first day. Because I work the "normal" schedule out of dear hubby and I, he was the one to drop her off, and then my mom picked her up. I called my mom to get the full report, and she said that Hayley's teacher said, "She was fantastic!" This made me a very happy mom and I quickly texted this to Jeremy:

"Just talked to my mom, and Hayley's preschool teacher said she was fantastic!"

His response?

"Except for the kicking and screaming fit that she threw for ten minutes before I could sneak out!"

Whoops. Guess the teacher "forgot" about that. Hayley did tell me that she had fun and she does know the letter R now, so the day wasn't a total wash. Too bad no preschool prize for Monday! And man, was she bummed.

Wednesday was a lot better. She gave my mom a hug and walked right in the door with no drama. Made for a happy kid who played with her new princess dolly for almost an hour. Which made for a happy mom who got to take a little nap on the couch!

Oh, yeah. And concerning my last post, after five needle sticks on Thursday, turns out I'm negative for gestational diabetes. And my iron is back to normal. Chalk it up to the pregnant lady overreacting. (That'd be me.)


  1. hey - it might've been overreacting, but it's a good thing you're ok in the end... glad hayley had a better day on wednesday! glad you also got a nap!

  2. I'm glad everything is okay. Where is hayley going to preschool? She'll get the hang os it and pretty soon you'll be wishing she wasn't so anxious to leave you.


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