Here are some things I've been wondering about lately:
When I get to my car with my cart full of groceries and my kids, and get them all unloaded and into the car, what am I supposed to do with the empty cart? Am I supposed to leave the kids in the car alone, and take it to the cart corrall? Or is it okay to tilt it up on the curb since I want my kids in my eyesight? If I'm not near a curb, can I push it to the hood of my car, like so many others do, and call it good? Really, what is the acceptable ettiquite for this situation? P.S. It gets even more complicated if it's winter and the keys are in the ignition so the car can warm up as you determine what to do with said cart.
At school we have a faculty restroom near my classroom that just has one sink and one toilet. And no fan. It's a small bathroom. Sometimes it stinks. Also, sometimes someone is waiting to use it as I walk out, after holding my breath in there while I "go". How can I communicate to that next person that I, in fact, was not the person who made the stink? It's important to me that people don't think I'm the smelly teacher!
I have no problem telling grimey kids to back off when they get too close to my baby when we are out in public, but is it too in-your-face-ish to say something to the mom? Especially if she is oblivious to where or what her child is doing? You know, I hate those child leashes, but dang, I kinda want to buy one and just hand it to the next person who is totally not keeping track of their kid. Or hook their kid up to it and just hand them the end.
Finally, what can I tell someone whose attitude is: "If it's broken, leave it broken. Or make an excuse. Or blame it on someone else." Come on. Accountability, people, accountability!
P.S. More pictures of cutie pie Jackson soon. I've been too lazy to hook the camera to the computer. Plus I'm trying to get him to smile for the camera, and I haven't caught it yet. I did get a great shot of him totally spitting up though.
Car Shopping Fun
7 years ago