Monday, September 21, 2009

Back to School

Today I went back to work. It really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Possibly because of some of these things:

  • Jackson had his best night yet: he slept seven and a half hours straight! Almost made up for the waking up at 3:00 a.m. the night before and not wanting to go back to sleep.
  • Hayley woke up right as I was getting ready to leave. Sometimes this means tears and "I don't want you to go to work Mommy." But today she was all smiles and hugs and kisses with her cute little girl bedhead.
  • Jeremy took both the kids and all the stuff off to the sitter, even though it meant over an hour of extra driving for him. But it meant that I didn't have to get me, a tired three-year-old, and an infant ready and in the car to go by 7:00 a.m.
  • Both kids had good reports when I picked them up this afternoon. Even though I kind of expected it, it's still a relief to know that all went well.
  • My class remembered me, missed me, and I think for the most part, they were glad that I was back.
  • I got to see my friends that I work with and they remembered me, missed me, and were glad that I was back too. Or they faked it really well.

All in all, it's kind of nice to get back into our routine, plus one more kid. At least until I go off track next Wednesday, and we leave for Vegas the Wednesday after that!


  1. your kids were so excited to have you back! and as one of your friends, i'm actually kinda glad that subbing this week means i got to see you a little more.

    i'm glad coming back hasn't been too hard for you!

  2. Hehehe, we can't fake it that well! So glad you're back!


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