Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Going Postal

If you are one for not wanting to miss unusual people, look no further than the nearest post office.  Here's a sampling of my experience today.  I was only there for twenty minutes.
  • In line in front of me, there was a mom and dad.  And their two small children.  And the grandma and grandpa.  And the aunt and cousin. And the family dog.  (Okay, I made that last part up.)  My thought was, "Huh.  That's a lot of people just to go to the post office."  Five minutes later it changed to, "Please control your children."  Then, "If one of these kids wipes their snot on me..."  (And there were some close calls...)  When they got to the front of the line, turns out they thought that in order to do an address change, every member of the family needed to be there.  Not so much peeps.  But at least now they know.
  • When I got to the front of the line, the postal worker kept touching my purse, and telling me how cute it was.  At first I just replied with a polite "thank you" but she kept touching and kind of stroking it like it was a pregnant belly or something.  Was she trying to steal the spare diaper in my purse?  Was she checking if I was carrying a gun?  I didn't ask, so I guess I'll never know.
  • After buying my plethora of stamps, I was happily putting postage on my outgoing mail, when some guy comes up to me and asks if I know how many stamps his letter needs.  I glance at it and tell him I think it will only need one.  He then starts eyeing my stamps, so to get him to stop, I offer him a stamp.  This was met with a look at me like I was crazy.  Apparently, offering something to someone else is cause for lunacy.  He declined, and moved on to purchase his own stamps from the automated machine.
  • Last but not least, a little old lady came in and needed help figuring out how much her package weighed, and how many stamps to put on it.  But she was cute and sweet, and I was glad to help her.  Plus, she called me "Dearie" and that will make this gal smile any day.


  1. yeah, the post office is almost as good as the airport. when that man looked at you like you were loony, you should've said "then quit eyeballing it!"

  2. You are hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing about the lady stroking your purse. People are so strange...


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