Monday, September 20, 2010

This, This, and This

This Discovery:
Don't know quite what it means about my day when it takes me until right before bed to realize that my underwear have been inside out all day long.

This Conversation:
Hayley: "Mom, where's Baby Alive?"
Me: "In the bag."
Hayley: "I don't want her to be in the bag. I want to hold her."
Me: "Because she's your baby?"
Hayley: "No, because she's my nemesis!"

This Story:
(Warning: Potty humor involved. Also if you love corn, you may not want to read this.)
This is a true story that happened to me when I was a teenager. I was in a stall in a public bathroom, and the lady next to me was... well... grunting. I finished up and was washing my hands when I heard the old lady voice say this, "Corn?! When did I eat corn?!" Never have I left a bathroom so fast. And possibly I have never laughed so hard.

Just a random little bit of this, little bit of that.


  1. Hehehe! Thanks for the great stories. They made me giggle! :)

  2. i just laughed my baby right off my boob!


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