Monday, May 9, 2011

April Faves

Favorite Food: Pancakes
Favorite Treat: Gummies
Favorite Friend(s): Molly, who lives one street over. This is a big deal because it's the first friend we've let Hayley play with that we can't see her house from our front door.
Favorite Toy: Littlest Pet Shops
Favorite Book: Mortimer's Christmas
Favorite Movie/Show: iCarly
Favorite Song: MJ's Thriller
Favorite Things to Do Inside: Watch iCarly.
Favorite Thing to Do Outside: Catch Rolly Pollies. (Potato Bugs.)
Favorite Thing About Jackson: When he lets her hold his hand.
Least Favorite Thing to Do: Get hurt. Physically or emotionally. Which is hard considering how hard she plays, and how tender her feelings are.
Funny Things She Says: "How 'bout... Oh, right. I don't get to make the deals."
"Sorry Baby, but you're just going to have to deal with it."

Favorite Food: String Cheese
Favorite Treat: Gummies
Favorite Friend: Mom
(I don't know where this Momma's boy came from all the sudden, but I like it. Most days.)
Favorite Toy(s): Legos and blocks
Favorite Book: The Elmo Bath Books from the dollar aisle at Target.
Favorite Movie/Show: Barney ("Arney") and Baby Bop ("Bop")
Favorite Things to do Inside: Sit at Hayley's little desk in her room and play.
Favorite Things to Do Outside: Explore! Pick up rocks, grass, and whatever else.
Favorite Thing about Hayley: When she picks up his stuff that he chucks while in the car.
Least Favorite Thing to Do: Go to bed. At all. Period.
New Things He Says: "Naughty", (When I'm saying it to Hayley, and oh, does it make her mad!) "Knock, knock" (Grandma Bachman taught him that one), "Stack, stack" (with blocks), "Help" (but only when he's really frustrated) and "No, no" while shaking his head "no" and already doing something naughty.
New Things he Does: Cry when Hayley leaves the house. He'll try to put on his own shoes and socks, but is very particular and only likes his one pair of sneakers. We're going to be in trouble when they get too small!

1 comment:

  1. I love these updates - your kids are hilarious and never cease to make me laugh Ü


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