Today was the last day of the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point. (So if you were planning on going, sorry, you're out of luck.) We usually go every year, and Hayley, knowing that the festival would soon be over, convinced me to take her and Jackson today. We almost didn't make it there, when traffic was backed up on the freeway because of two pretty bad accidents. I told Hayley that if we were going this slowly, it would take us two hours to get there. She replied with, "I'm okay with that. Sometimes you just have to be patient, Mom." Nice. It's kind of funny when your own lessons that you taught your child kind of backfire on you.

It was a beautiful evening when we got there. The tulips were pretty, but some of Hayley's favorite things have nothing to do with the flowers. She played in the sand and in the creek, but when we got to the climby bugs in the Children's Garden, disaster struck. As she was going down the ladder, she caught her feet in the ladder, and smacked down hard on the sand with her knees, palms, and head. I could tell it really, really hurt, yet still she was really tough about it.

The picture below was taken about five minutes after she was wounded. As for Jackson after feeding him his favorite dinner of a corn dog and apple juice, he was fairly content to just hang out in the stroller and observe and smile for most of the outing.

It was a beautiful evening when we got there. The tulips were pretty, but some of Hayley's favorite things have nothing to do with the flowers. She played in the sand and in the creek, but when we got to the climby bugs in the Children's Garden, disaster struck. As she was going down the ladder, she caught her feet in the ladder, and smacked down hard on the sand with her knees, palms, and head. I could tell it really, really hurt, yet still she was really tough about it.

The picture below was taken about five minutes after she was wounded. As for Jackson after feeding him his favorite dinner of a corn dog and apple juice, he was fairly content to just hang out in the stroller and observe and smile for most of the outing.
Love Spring, love these kids!
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