Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"Ferb, I Know What We're Gonna Do Today!"

There's 20 days left of summer vacation,
And school comes around just to end it,
So the annual problem of our generation,
Is finding a good way to spend it..

Like Maybe..."

1. Bean Museum
2. Ride Trax
3. Gateway Fountains
4. Library Fountains
5. Swimming Outside
6. Joe's Crab Shack
7. Snow Cones
8. Walk to 7-11
9. Cherry Hill
10. Living Planet Aquarium
11. Zoo
12. Barnes and Noble
13. Fishing with Grandpa
14. Drive In Movie
15. Homemade Ice Cream
16. Puff Ball Animals
17. Raging Waters
18. Mini Golf
19. Mount Timpanogas
20. Library
21. Make Popsicles
22. Go to the Cabin
23. Movie Theater Kid Deals
24. Service Project
25. Play at Hayley's Playground
26. Yard Sale
27. Swimming Lessons
28. Temple Square
29. Water Balloons
30. Birthday Date

Twenty days left until I go back to school. We're trying for all thirty activities on this list. Wish us luck, and let me know if you'd like to join us on any of our adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Dibs on the zoo and aquarium! Anne wants to go back to the caves at Mt. Tip. but I don't know if the kiddos would be up to that. See you soon!


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