Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December Update

 Well, we finally got out the Christmas stuff and decorated around our house.  At least with the things that Jackson can't destroy/can't reach/can't get hurt by.  He loved this little play nativity that we got last year.

He may not know the whole story, but he's got the main characters down pat.  Of course, he also thinks the  donkey had just as important of a role as Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

We did not put up the big tree.  I really was too nervous that it would end up on top of Jackson sometime within the month, and a visit to the hospital is not exactly the "Merry Christmas" I have in mind.  We did buy Hayley her own tree to put in her bedroom, and got out the "kiddie" ornaments.  She was plenty happy with that situation.

Jackson took a liking to this Santa.

But would only get close enough to the real thing to give him a high five.

 We tried inching him a little closer to Sinter Klass at the Dutch Party, but he didn't handle that very well.

Hayley was more than happy to chat with Sinter Klass.  She wasn't scared of him or the Swarte Petes, even though they had their sack ready to take the naughty boys and girls back to Spain to be slaves.  That part of the story scared the crap out of my when I was little.

Then again, Hayley is happy to tell pretty much any Santa what she wants for Chistmas.

Which would be great, except that the gift that she keeps telling Santa she wants is one that she hasn't even mentioned since October, that I didn't buy, and that I can't find anywhere.  So, if anyone sees any of the extra large ladybug pillow pets that they had a Costco a couple of months ago, please let me know.

If not, I'll hope the other presents she finds under her tree is enough. 


  1. http://www.amazon.com/LADYBUG-PILLOW-PET-SLEEPING-FRIENDZ/dp/B004SYOJYC/ref=sr_1_7?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1355246801&sr=1-7&keywords=lady+bug+pillow+pet+large

  2. Thanks Hayley! That link was for the regular size, but I did end up finding the jumbo one that she wanted on Amazon, and ordered it. :)

  3. Swarte Petes? Yeah, that would totally creep me out as a kid.

    What in the world did Santa ever do to Jackson? I keep thinking this will be the year he's okay with the big guy but still no luck? Crazy. I really think you should bring Jackson to school and have him hang out with Kim, just to get used to the big guy with a beard look.


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