Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More Hayley funnies...

While opening birthday presents, Hayley started opening one that was obviously a DVD. I say obviously because by the shape of it, even the three year old knew what it was. Before she even had it open, she yelled, "I think we got a movie here!" Great. It was even wrapped in real wrapping paper, not just thrown in a gift bag, which is the extent of my usual wrapping expertise.

We got food from Wendy's and laid Hayley's out in front of her. Burger, oranges, chocolate milk, a couple of Mom's fries, and one of Daddy's chicken nuggets. To which Hayley's reply was, "Now that's what I'm talking about!"

 Hayley always thinks she's hungry, even when she's not. One day, right after lunch, she tried to tell us that she was hungry. I told her, "No, you're not. You just ate." "But my tummy is hungry!" "No, it's not." "Well then my leg is hungry!" Because maybe if you change the body part, Mom will give in. (I didn't.)

 After finding a piece of trash in my car, Hayley handed it to Grandma Heidi with strict instructions to, "Throw this away in a very special garbage can." Because you know, sometimes a regular garbage can is just not good enough.

 Hayley still thinks she is the boss around our house. In fact, if you ask her she will tell you that she is the boss. When she tells Jeremy to do things, often his response is, "Whatever!" Which used to just make Hayley giggle, but now when we ask her to do something that's what we get back: "Whatever!" "Hayley, will you go get your shoes on?" "Whatever, Mom!" The best is when it's in public, and I get that totally incredulous look from some stranger. Yes, my child can be a total sassy frass.

 If you don't get "Whatever!" after your request, another frequent Hayley response is, "I just don't have time for that today." Apparently, life is very busy when you're three.


  1. Aren't they hilarious with the things they come up with.

    So you're a week ahead of me. I'm only 15 weeks. See your counter on the side kills me. I can't stand to see the "168 days to go." Man that is a long time. We'll need to get together when it warms up!

  2. heather, I would love to get together. I'm hoping when it warms up, people around our house will stop being sick. We've been passing around the same cold for over a month now. Arrgh! I'm done with Winter!


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