Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hayley's New Fave

On first watching, I thought this show was cute, though too scary for Hayley. Apparently, I was wrong. She's watched it at least once a day for the past five or six days. She's got the "puppy dog whine" that Coraline does down pat, and will tell you all about the mommy with the button eyes and silly Wybee and his pet Slugzilla.

Yeah, we're pretty boring that this is the most interesting thing that's been happening in our house for the last week. What can I say? I've been doing a lot of lazing on the couch.


  1. Your ticker is at 1 day to go! But shouldn't he be head down by now? Good luck!

  2. Yeah, so any baby yet?

    My kids have watched this a few times as well. Not that scary but geez kinda inappropriately dressed old hags though, wouldn't you say?

  3. I will have to see this movie -- the whole button thing on the preview kept me away but if you daughter can do it so can I!


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