Sunday, January 31, 2010

Right of Passage

Ever since I posted about Jackson's great talent for sleeping a few days ago, he's been up at least once during the night, every night. I thought, "Huh, guess that's what I get for bragging."

But then this morning when he grabbed my thumb and stuck it in his mouth to gnaw on it, there was something in his mouth that wasn't there before...

That's right. We got a tooth!!

No more of the Toothless Wonder around here. I never would have thought, since he's mostly just been his regular happy self!

My baby's growing up!

(The tooth isn't in this picture, I just thought the post needed a picture. I'll try to get a picture of the teeny, tiny tooth, but no promises!)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things Just Aren't Working Out

Before you get all stressed, NO, this is not a break up post. No one is breaking up with anyone. There are just some things that just aren't working out. I'd just write them down in my journal, but, well, that's one of the things that just doesn't work out for me.

Weight loss is just not working out. I blame the male child. I've realized that if I eat too little (according to him), my milk supply goes down (sorry if that's TMI). And while I'm okay about being on a diet, Jackson is not. He's a hungry man-baby, he is. Since I don't even want to think about the cost of feeding the Milk Monkey formula, the weight loss is struggling. We'll see if it gets better when The Boy starts solids.

On that same note, The Boy is burning through clothes faster than I can put them on him. I know, I know, you are thinking, "It's like that with all babies..." but seriously, he's graduated to some of his 12 month stuff in the last week or so. He's FIVE months old folks. A few days ago, I found the brand new Polo Baby sweater he got from Grandma Bachman, size 9 months. You can bet he's been wearing that one for the last four or so days straight!

Preschool is not working out. Some of you have already read my rant on Facebook concerning this. Really, I don't think that my requirements are too stiff: let my child use scissors, let my child use glue, don't do the exact same thing every day. Oh, yeah. And don't feed my child two Grandma's cookies and a chocolate milk at nine in the morning, call it a snack and send her home higher than a kite on sugar! (Currently on the lookout for a new preschool, thanks.)

Hayley. Three time outs in one day. Acting like a total turd. Not working out.

And I feel like I live at Toys R Us. Or Babies R Us. Or both. Not because I go to those places often, but because every room in our home has been invaded by toys and baby stuff. When we first moved into this house, we didn't ever think we'd outgrow it. We didn't even know what to do with all the space! Amazing what two kids and a few years will do.

On the other hand...

That last point has brought about something that is working out just fine. Jeremy has been working on finishing the basement! Woohoo! Slowly but surely, it's almost all painted and we have a working bathroom down there too. Also worked out quite nicely that our tax return should pay for some of the carpeting.

Jackson. Sleeps. 10 hours straight. Bliss. Need I say more? If you are a mom, I guarantee I don't. Uninterrupted sleep will work out just fine thanks.

I'm not complaining (that much), mostly I just think the things that aren't working out are kind of humorous. And since I haven't been posting much, that's what you get to hear about. I'm having a hard time getting into a blogging grove since the new year. I just seem kind of boring to myself lately. I'll try to work on that. For my sake and yours.

*EDIT: Oh, wait! One more. Not working out that I spelled my son's name wrong in the Blog Book. On his birthday entry, no less. Really, not working out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We're Golden.

I'll call this first conversation "Gold Digger."

Hayley: "Mom, can I have _____?"
Me: "No."
Hayley: "Please?"
Me: "The answer is no."
Hayley: "Pretty Please?"
Me: "No, I don't have money for that."
Hayley: "Pleeeeeeeeease?"
Me: "What did I already say?"
Hayley: "Mom, do you want me to not be spoiled?!"
I believe, Hayley, that bridge has already been crossed.

And this one I call "Digging for Gold."

Jeremy: "Hayley, let's cut your fingernails."
Hayley: "No, I don't want them cut. I want them long."
Jeremy: "So they can be like Mom's?"
Hayley: "Actually, so it's easier to pick my nose."
We do wash hands quite often around here, but I think Hayley may have just upped it a notch.

Sometimes, I kind of like it that Jackson can't talk.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things I've Learned from my Three Year Old

Seeing as how Hayley is almost not three anymore, (Sad!) here's some wisdom from her three year old brain:
  • Sometimes making a friend really is just as easy as, "Hi, my name is _____. What's yours?"
  • Milk makes you grow big and strong.
  • When you are full, you should stop eating.
  • When someone does something mean, you can get over it and still be their friend the next day.
  • It's not nice to yell at people. (Even a three year old. Even if I'm frustrated.)
  • Sometimes, you need a break from church. (Amen!)
  • You can clean it up in the morning.
  • It's okay to not really know why you are crying.
  • A princess is kind.
  • Sometimes, princesses take naps.
  • Jesus used to be a cowboy. (Okay, fine. That one was from Lindsey's three year old.)
And she's got princesses and frogs on the brain:

Hayley: "I'm the princess and Daddy is the prince."
Me: "Hmm. Then what am I?"
Hayley: "You're the boss."
Me: "Really, I'm the boss?"
Hayley: "Well, you are just the boss of the baby."

Jeremy: "Hayley, what do frogs say?"
(Thinking he'll get the response of "Ribbit!")
Hayley: "Kiss me!" (In a funny, deep voice, imitating Naveen.)

I just love my "hoppy" little girl!

Monday, January 11, 2010


I've been a little MIA in the blogging world lately, at least for me! Here's what I've been up to:

  • Went on a date with Hayley, cousin Peyton, and Aunt Kimi to see The Princess and the Frog. I highly recommend it! Plus, we saw the preview for Toy Story 3 that comes out in June, and it looks so cute too!
  • Finally saw New Moon with my mom, Heidi and sister, Whitney. I liked it much better than the first. However, I think I may need to do some re-reading and go see it again! (I know, two movies in one week? I don't think I've done that since before I had kids!)
  • Jeremy and I used our Gift Card Christmas Present to Braza Grill. Oh my heck, yum!!
  • Got Jackson's pictures taken. It was funny, the photographer was like, "Wow, we caught him on a really good day!" To which I replied, "No, he's pretty much always like this." I love this little boy so much, I can't even stand it!

  • Last but not least, my biggest time-suck lately that's been taking away from my blogging time is that I've been making the blog into a book. It's turned out really great. I kind of love it. If you follow my blog, it's nothing new to you, but if you want to check it out, click here. (You do need a Snapfish account, but it's super easy. Just name, email, and a password.)
  • P.S. Anything you order from Snapfish is 20% off with the code ENTERTAIN10 for all of 2010, courtesy of my Entertainment Coupon Book. Don't know if you can use it more than once though.