Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We're Golden.

I'll call this first conversation "Gold Digger."

Hayley: "Mom, can I have _____?"
Me: "No."
Hayley: "Please?"
Me: "The answer is no."
Hayley: "Pretty Please?"
Me: "No, I don't have money for that."
Hayley: "Pleeeeeeeeease?"
Me: "What did I already say?"
Hayley: "Mom, do you want me to not be spoiled?!"
I believe, Hayley, that bridge has already been crossed.

And this one I call "Digging for Gold."

Jeremy: "Hayley, let's cut your fingernails."
Hayley: "No, I don't want them cut. I want them long."
Jeremy: "So they can be like Mom's?"
Hayley: "Actually, so it's easier to pick my nose."
We do wash hands quite often around here, but I think Hayley may have just upped it a notch.

Sometimes, I kind of like it that Jackson can't talk.


  1. OH-MY-GOSH! Literally LOL on the last comment. I want to be inside Hayley's little head to see what she's thinking all the time!

  2. this is hilarious. and my favorite line is: sometimes i like that jackson can't talk. just wait... it is coming, probably quicker than you'd like!!!

    that girl kills me. she does the name hayley proud. i always cringe when i meet a mousey hayley - i want to say "you don't deserve this name!"

  3. Ü The last line especially made me laugh! So true!


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