Sunday, January 17, 2010

Things I've Learned from my Three Year Old

Seeing as how Hayley is almost not three anymore, (Sad!) here's some wisdom from her three year old brain:
  • Sometimes making a friend really is just as easy as, "Hi, my name is _____. What's yours?"
  • Milk makes you grow big and strong.
  • When you are full, you should stop eating.
  • When someone does something mean, you can get over it and still be their friend the next day.
  • It's not nice to yell at people. (Even a three year old. Even if I'm frustrated.)
  • Sometimes, you need a break from church. (Amen!)
  • You can clean it up in the morning.
  • It's okay to not really know why you are crying.
  • A princess is kind.
  • Sometimes, princesses take naps.
  • Jesus used to be a cowboy. (Okay, fine. That one was from Lindsey's three year old.)
And she's got princesses and frogs on the brain:

Hayley: "I'm the princess and Daddy is the prince."
Me: "Hmm. Then what am I?"
Hayley: "You're the boss."
Me: "Really, I'm the boss?"
Hayley: "Well, you are just the boss of the baby."

Jeremy: "Hayley, what do frogs say?"
(Thinking he'll get the response of "Ribbit!")
Hayley: "Kiss me!" (In a funny, deep voice, imitating Naveen.)

I just love my "hoppy" little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Such a darling - I love the little lessons. I think I'll go take my princess nap right now. :)


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