Monday, January 11, 2010


I've been a little MIA in the blogging world lately, at least for me! Here's what I've been up to:

  • Went on a date with Hayley, cousin Peyton, and Aunt Kimi to see The Princess and the Frog. I highly recommend it! Plus, we saw the preview for Toy Story 3 that comes out in June, and it looks so cute too!
  • Finally saw New Moon with my mom, Heidi and sister, Whitney. I liked it much better than the first. However, I think I may need to do some re-reading and go see it again! (I know, two movies in one week? I don't think I've done that since before I had kids!)
  • Jeremy and I used our Gift Card Christmas Present to Braza Grill. Oh my heck, yum!!
  • Got Jackson's pictures taken. It was funny, the photographer was like, "Wow, we caught him on a really good day!" To which I replied, "No, he's pretty much always like this." I love this little boy so much, I can't even stand it!

  • Last but not least, my biggest time-suck lately that's been taking away from my blogging time is that I've been making the blog into a book. It's turned out really great. I kind of love it. If you follow my blog, it's nothing new to you, but if you want to check it out, click here. (You do need a Snapfish account, but it's super easy. Just name, email, and a password.)
  • P.S. Anything you order from Snapfish is 20% off with the code ENTERTAIN10 for all of 2010, courtesy of my Entertainment Coupon Book. Don't know if you can use it more than once though.


  1. i haven't seen twilight yet, but i did see the princess and the frog. i liked it. glad you're having fun off track, i miss seeing you briefly at lunch. i can't get over how smiley Jackson is!!!

  2. His pictures are adorable! I'll have to check out your book, I keep thinking I need to make a book but don't know what program is best.

  3. so cute! and I love the idea of making your blog a book -- very good time sucking activity ;)

  4. Oh my heck that kid is adorable. Can I call dibs on him for Chelsea?


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