Sunday, February 14, 2010

I love him.

I came across this pic in the files, and while it was take a while ago.
I love it.
Because it's us.
Well, duh, of course it's us.
What I mean is, it's us.
This picture captures the essence of a lot of who we are as a couple.

#1 It was taken at Lake Powell while boating.
Which Jeremy doesn't love, but he knows I love it, so we go.
It's all about give and take.

#2 It was taken mid laugh.
I can tell because Jeremy is smiling a big smile that you
just don't get in pictures of him when they're posed.
We do laugh together a lot.

#3 See how I'm holding his hand down?
That's because he's a fan of giving me a nice pair of rabbit ears.
And because I've learned from experience,
his hand gets held down.

#4 No kids in sight.
Even more so as life gets busier, dates are still important.
What we actually do for the date is not as important.

I love being married.
I love being married to my husband.
I love that I think I may love it more and more as time goes on.
I love the comfort level we've attained.
I love the home we have.
I love our children.
I love my life.

I love you, Jeremy.
Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. What a sweet post. Glad you're so happy!

  2. What a perfect Valentine's post. So cute and sweet. I'm happy I've finally met Jeremy instead of just reading about him, and I'm happy that you make each other so happy!


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