Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jinxed or Momma No Likey the Sicky

We've had sickness around our house the last week. It could have been Jeremy's fault, since he was the one who said, "We've had a pretty good Winter. No one's really been sick." My response? "Don't say that out loud! You'll jinx us!" Sure enough, Jackson woke up coughy and boogery a few days later. I think Hayley may have been the carrier, bringing it home from preschool or somewhere. The first thing she does when she gets in the car is say hi to her brother and hold his hand. Which is sweet, but then the first thing he does after that is sticks his hand in his mouth. Great way to spread the germies.

So, Jackson has had a sneezy, boogery, coughy cold. He was just starting to get over it, when BAM! Hayley starts the hacking cough and I start the runny nose. Perfect. In an effort for Jackson to not re-catch the cold he just got over, the kids have pretty much been on quarantine from each other. It's killin' Hayley. She's all, " I just want to touch my baby. I just love my baby." Finally, I told her if she went and washed her hands really well, she could hold his hand while he was in his crib. So she washed, and then went into Jackson's room. Seeing her holding his little hand, and saying to him, "I'm sorry you're sick, Baby. I have sickness too. I love you Baby. You love me too, don't you Baby?" in her cutesy little girl voice is seriously one of the sweetest moments I've witnessed between my children. I tried to get it on video, but Hayley gets a little self conscious with an audience, let alone a camera.

Anyway, here's to hoping that Hayley and I get over The Gombu soon, that Jackson doesn't recatch it, and that at least Jeremy doesn't join the Secret Sickness Club. Stealing some wording from Hayley pretty much sums it up: this Momma no likey the sicky.

Could be worse though. Here's a shout out to you Kimi, just for making it through the day.


  1. I have several things to share:
    That scene is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! A tear even came to my eye. You have such great kids!

    Secondly, I don't like the age ticker for Hayley. I don't think you can say "goin' on five" when it has only been 2 weeks. I want to know Hayley the four-year-old!

    Your poor friend! I think I would have thrown in the towel and gone a bit crazy! She sounds like a great person though.

    Hope everyone gets better soon! (End of monologue)

  2. ug. i'm sorry you guys are sick, too. poor sick babies, i think that's the worst! i love how sweet Hayley is to her brother.

    i'm also so sick of being sick!


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