Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Child, Do You Miss Anything?

A lot of times, if I'm struggling with something, I'll mutter under my breath, "Get it together, Heather." The other day, after I missed a turn, flipped a U-ey and explained to Hayley why we turned around. Then I heard this from the backseat, "Get it together, Heather!" Really, could I even be mad when I knew exactly where she got that?!

I know I posted this one on Facebook, but I don't want to forget it. Hayley likes to play the rhyming game. A while ago, she rhymed bucket with f*****. I told her it wasn't a real word so she shouldn't say it. Technically I was right. Because it's two words. Thanks Jeremy for your help. Oh, wait. That's right, you were the one laughing.

After repeatedly telling Hayley no about going to the park, and repeated begging on her part, she came back up to me and calmly asked, "Mom, how can I earn going to the park?" She may just have life figured out. (And yes, I let her earn going to the park. I gotta let her win sometimes, right?)

As I pull into Sonic: "Mom, are you going to get a Diet Coke with vanilla with easy ice?" Yes, dear child. Yes I am. And what would you like today?

Love you Hales! Even if you are four going on fourteen!

1 comment:

  1. note to self: F***** is 2 words. that hayley - she's a smart girl. she kills me.


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