This morning the kids both had check-up doctor's appointments. They were early enough that Jeremy could come with us before heading to work, so it was nice that we got to have some family time. At least, it was nice until I heard a shrieking cry from Jackson while I was checking us in. Turns out Hayley BIT HIM. On the toe, and it didn't draw blood or anything, but I was pretty shocked. And mad. So mad, I didn't really want to talk to her and had Jeremy deal with it. He let her know she wouldn't be getting a "shot prize" like we had talked about. She was pretty bummed. And sad. She kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm just so so sorry." I think she learned her lesson. Especially when we told her that if it ever happened again we would throw Mama Bear in the trash. I think she got the point.

Anyway, the appointment part went well. Hayley did awesome, weighing in at 39 lbs (75th percentile) and measuring in at 41.5 inches (79th percentile). Plus, turns out Little Girl probably didn't even need a "shot prize." She didn't even shed a tear! In fact, later on in the morning, she bit her tongue and ran into the counter with her forehead (within about a five minute span of each other) and told me, through her tears, that both of those hurt more than her shot. What a sport that Hayley Biter Bachman is!

On to The Boy. After waiting for 40 minutes for the doctor (Seriously? We were the first appointment of the day!) Jackson was tired and cranky. And probably his toe hurt. He checked out great too though, weighing in at 19.75 lbs (59th percentile) and measuring in at 28 inches (69th percentile). His head is still almost off the chart at 18.5 inches (95th percentile), but it's a cute head that's actually growing some hair back, so I can't complain. Jackson cried a little bit after his shot, but that also could have been that he was just ready to leave! So were we. What a blessing to have healthy kids. Although, I may have to stop using the expression, "You're so cute I could just eat you up!" (Hey, Hayley had to have gotten that idea from somewhere...)
P.S. As my own little April Fool's joke, when I called to make the appointment, this is how the conversation went:
Me: "Hi, I need to make appointments for my children. Sometime on April 1st."
(Because it was my first day off track.)
Receptionist: "Is this an April Fool's Joke?"
Me: "No, I really just need to make appointments for my kids."
(But now that you've given me the idea...)
Receptionist: "Okay, how many children do you have?"
Me: "Eight."
Receptionist: "Oh, uh... Really?"
Me: "No, not really. But you made me realize it would be April Fool's. I have two kids."
Receptionist (relieved): "Oh, good!"
It was pretty funny. But you might have had to be there.