Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shot, Stats, Stroller

Jackson had his 12 month check-up today. (We're a little behind since I like to take him in while I'm off track so Jeremy and I can both go.) He was such a sport. Was a good kid all through his appointment, and checked out great. And just a little whimper during his shot. Honestly, he may have thought that the shot had nothing on the teething pain he's been having lately. He's working on another molar. (It's the swollen purple lump you can see in this picture.)

The Stats:
Weight: 23.4 lbs (45th percentile)
Height: 31 inches (67th percentile)
Head: 19.7 cm (99th percentile...
Hoping that just means he's smart...)

And a Funny from Jeremy:
While trying to fanagle the wiggly, squiggly, nose-diving son, Jeremy had this great idea:
"They should make like a carrier carseat for bigger kids. Only with straps, and wheels, and a handle so you could push it."
Me: (after looking at him to make sure he was serious) "Like a stroller?"
Him: "Oh. Yeah. Like a stroller."
Seriously husband, you crack me up. Mostly because he's so dang smart, but sometimes he comes out with things like that and I'm like, "What the what?"
What a fun, funny guy for a husband, and for a daddy to this cute little boy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

This, This, and This

This Discovery:
Don't know quite what it means about my day when it takes me until right before bed to realize that my underwear have been inside out all day long.

This Conversation:
Hayley: "Mom, where's Baby Alive?"
Me: "In the bag."
Hayley: "I don't want her to be in the bag. I want to hold her."
Me: "Because she's your baby?"
Hayley: "No, because she's my nemesis!"

This Story:
(Warning: Potty humor involved. Also if you love corn, you may not want to read this.)
This is a true story that happened to me when I was a teenager. I was in a stall in a public bathroom, and the lady next to me was... well... grunting. I finished up and was washing my hands when I heard the old lady voice say this, "Corn?! When did I eat corn?!" Never have I left a bathroom so fast. And possibly I have never laughed so hard.

Just a random little bit of this, little bit of that.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Farewell Summer

I'd been meaning to take the kids to the Splash Pad in Herriman this summer, but it hadn't happened yet. So when Hayley wanted to go swimming, but I didn't want to go to all the work of getting all of us ready to go swimming, she and I decided that the Splash Pad would be a good last minute compromise.

While Hayley jumped right in,

Jackson wasn't so sure!

It's a good thing we went when we did, because there was a sign posted that the last day to play would be September 19th. I understand why. After the sun went down, it got cold in a hurry!

So farewell to the Splash Pad. And to Summer. See you next year!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Don't Die of Shock

I crafted. And truth be told, I might have enjoyed it.

Here's the final product.

I kind of love it.

I might have even signed up for another one next month.

I feel so grown up.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Try, Try Again

After last weekend's fiasco with the cabin, when my mom told me they were headed up to the cabin again on Friday, I told her we had other plans and no thanks. However, by Saturday morning, after Hayley had asked nicely quite a few times, I'd had a change of heart. So we got up early and headed up to the cabin to surprise them.

They were definitely surprised, but our surprise on the way there was this:

On the road between Evanston and the cabin, there were about 200 sheep on both sides of the road, and blocking the road. Like we had to honk and wait for them to decide to move just to get through the herd. I swear, it was like something from a movie! There were a bunch of baby lambs too, just feet from our car windows. Hayley was in heaven at seeing them so close!

We sure did surprise Grandma when we got to the cabin! She was so happy to see us. Jackson got right down to business playing with his favorite "toys" at the cabin.

Hayley was Grandpa's Little Helper. While he made a fire for the rest of us to roast marshmallows, Hayley dug in the dirt and made a "fire for the fairies."

After a yummy dinner and a nice drive to look for deer (we spotted three!) we headed back to put Grandpa's fire to good use:

And Hayley decided that she needed to be in Every. Single. Picture.

Jackson couldn't be bothered to look at the camera. He had other intentions...

He was much happier after he got a hold of a treat!

Too bad his happiness didn't last. I don't know if it was unfamiliar sleep surroundings, teething, or just general crabbiness, but I'm not even kidding when I say that he was up most of the night. He just finished up his five hour nap to make up for it. Let's just hope we don't have a repeat of it tonight!

I'll forgive him though, since he also did this while we were at the cabin:

Yep, he walks! He's been taking a few steps here and there for a while, mostly when he didn't really realize he was doing it, but now I have proof on video!
And the fun begins...

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Things that Made Me Happy Today

It was Hayley's first day of (her second year of) preschool today. Instead of feeling like I was missing out, I instead chose to focus on the fact that next year, when other moms are saying goodbye to their kindergartener, I will be getting to say hello to mine. A lot more during the day than I do now. She'll be right down the hall from me, all school day long. Her starting preschool today makes me excited for what is still to come.

This conversation, that Hayley had with Jeremy, before preschool:
Jeremy: "Hayley, what do you want to bring for Show and Tell?"
Hayley: "Baby Alive." (Thankfully, Baby Alive had clothes on today.)
Jeremy: "What are you going to tell about her?"
Hayley: "That she's special. Duh."

And this one, that they had after preschool:
Hayley: "Dad, I know why people have yard sales."
Jeremy: "Really? Enlighten me."
Hayley: "So they can have money to buy food. Like chicken and pork and strawberries."
Wow. Is that what they taught you today at preschool Hayley?

One more, as we were leaving WalMart:
Me: "Hayley, look at that pretty rainbow."
Hayley: "Oh, I knew Jesus was real!"
Me: "Uh... What?"
Hayley: "Because Jesus makes the rainbows, so now I know he is real."
So, shall I send her up to the podium at the next Testimony Meeting?

And my friend Hayley (Not my daughter. Let's just be clear...) is having her baby tomorrow! She's dang cute pregnant, but I'm way excited to see the little guy she's been cookin'!

And my new pedicure made for happy tootsies. And a happy me who got to catch up and chat with an old friend for an hour.

We won't talk about a certain entertainment center which is now missing a door, because Hayley broke the sucker off of it yesterday. Yeah, no one was very happy about that. But Hayley may have learned some new "vocabulary" words.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Long Weekend

Labor Day weekend didn't turn out quite the way we'd planned. After a very fun Friday afternoon at Swiss Days, we headed up to the cabin, where we were planning to stay for the weekend. Except that one of the teenage boys of the other family that owns part of the cabin was already there... with fifteen of his friends. So after a three hour long drive up, I got to turn around and drive back home with a very disappointed little girl, who had been very excited to go to the cabin.

Good thing Dad had a surprise for her when she got home. (He'd downloaded some fun preschool math games to his phone, which were a definite hit.)

It was nice for all of us to sleep in at home, in our own beds. We bummed around on Saturday, except for an outing to IKEA for Hayley to go Smaland (which she loves) and for some dinner (because they were having their "Kids Eat Free" promo for the weekend).

Sunday we headed up to Kim and Mark's for a birthday celebration.

It got a little chilly and windy, so we borrowed some jackets.

And Jackson discovered the joy of the big yellow slide. He climbed up a few feet, and slid down. About 20 times.

A fun weekend, even if it didn't turn out the way we'd intended.

Friday, September 3, 2010

If One is Good...

Two must be better!

Crazy kid!