Hayley seems to be growing up more and more beyond her years. She is such a big help with her little brother, and can do so many more thing so much more independently than she used to just a few months ago. Here's just a few of the things that I don't want to forget that our little five year old is capable of:
- She gets herself up and ready for the day. Often her clothes don't match, and she had about five different hairbows in her hair, but I will take that if it comes along with her new found independence.
- She will get herself a snack and turn on a show for herself downstairs.
- She ties her own shoes. And we didn't even really work on it that much. She just decided she wanted to know how, had us show her a few times, and she had it down in about a week.
- She had Jeremy's cell phone number memorized, and will call him on her own whim throughout the day. Often Jeremy will come home from work and tell me that Hayley called him and I will have no idea she even called. Or he'll call my cell asking what I called about, saying that he missed a call from me, and then we'll both realize that it wasn't me, it was Hayley.
- Recently she helped to clean the playroom, and brought this to me. She had already gotten out a marker and labeled it.
Here's a close up:
Can you see it? Broken: "BROQN"
The best part was, later I found the other part of the doll bed.
Of course it was labeled:
Then a few days later, I came home to this list:
Apparently, she had been talking to Jeremy about wanting to have some dried fruit, and Jeremy told her to remind me to buy the fruit, so she made a list. I'm pretty sure she had some help from him on some of the spellings, but still it was cute to have my five year old making my shopping lists.
This family sure loves our little girl!
Wow! I'm impressed with "broqn" and the list. She is getting really good with her sounds. Jeri will be impressed! Loved the Daddy/Daughter Date too. What a great kid!