The only complaint that I had about our free "make-up" breakfast was that they could only do it during a time slot that wasn't fully booked. This meant we could either go at 7:00 or 11:00. Since my kids had been getting up so early every day of vacation anyway, I chose the 7:00. That proved to be just too early for my mom and Whitney, and it ended up being just the three of us.
It was actually really fun to have some two-on-one time with my kids.

And since we were the first family there, they also got some one-on-one time with Mickey.
The rest of the characters came around to our table.
I don't know if it was because we were one of the only families there, or if everyone was given a heads up that we were coming to make up for a sub-par experience (or if my kids are just irresistably cute) but it seemed we got a lot of attention. :)
And we got to see/participate in the show:
We got done just in time to meet my mom and Whitney at the gates to Disneyland.
Photo shot in front of the flowers: Check!
This day proved to be a good day for seeing characters we hadn't seen before.
And the "bad guys" always seem to be in character.
Cruella DeVille was no exception.
We also saw Mulan, who had been on our List of Characters We Haven't Met for a long time. She was in a hurry (I think to get to the new Mickey and the Magical Map show that she is in. It's darling by the way.) so we didn't get an autograph, just a quick picture with her as she was walking.
By the end of Day #3 some of us were pretty tuckered out, so we ate a late lunch/early dinner at a yummy Mexican place in Frontierland, went back to the hotel, and then I went out to Long Beach that evening to pick up Jeremy and Robert from their scuba diving extravaganza.
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