Finally, on the last day of Hayley, Jackson, Jeremy and my passes, we got everyone together at the same park at the same time. Woohoo!

Pictures in front of the castle... Check!
Loving the PhotoPass+ for getting a great picture of all of us in front of the castle, but also because we get to enjoy all of the funny faces all of us make in the ride photos. Case in point:
Every single time I look at that one I have to laugh. Every person's face in it just cracks me up. Although, Jeremy looking like he's meditating or saying a prayer in this one is pretty funny too:
One thing I did realize about the PhotoPass+ though is that it is worth it to ask to wait a little longer and sit in the front, since you know you are going to get the picture. I did have to practice some creative editing to eliminate strangers from our photos when I could. I'm bummed that I sat Jackson on the wrong side of me on Splash Mountain. I would have loved to have seen his face on that big hill! Next time...
Jeremy rode the teacups with Hayley, because I do not do teacups. Ugh. Even thinking about them makes me nauseous. They sure had fun though!
It was lots nicer when Jackson would do things like this in line:
Instead of this.
Don't let his darling face fool you. This look was accompanied by, "Pick me up please?" "You will pick me up now, please?" "Time to pick me up now, please?" To which I can say, "No, you are a big boy, you can walk." But he hears, "You better go ask Grandma." Yeah, he's got her wrapped around his finger, I'll tell you what!
Grandma and Grandpa saved us spot for the parade (actually two) here at Disneyland too. Some of us sat at the curb, while the rest of us sat on a coveted bench that still had a full view of the parade.
Everyone was pretty done after the parade, so we did our last bit of shopping, and said goodbye to the Happiest Place on Earth. See you (hopefully) soon!
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