Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Too Much Fun!

Know what swimming lessons three times a week,

a fun weekend at Cherry Hill,

and a backyard swimming pool get you?

Give up?

An earache, a trip to InstaCare, and a double ear infection.

However, she will also now swim without goggles, went on the big kid slides with Jeremy, got to spend time with her cousins, and both she and I have great tans!


  1. Poor thing! But if that's what it takes to get them comfortable in the water I might take it! MaKell is such a chicken. She already tells us she doesn't want to be baptized because you have to get your face wet.

  2. She is so brave! And how many cute swimsuits does she have? I love it! I miss Hayley terribly now that you are off track. I'm thinking you are due for a rest, and we are due for a play date...

  3. So did you know that Hayley's swim teacher is my cousin-in-law, Kelly? Funny huh! I'm sorry she had to deal with the ear crap, that is never fun but yeah for the tan! Nothing better than tan fat. Speaking for myself of course. You look great in the picture with your mom below.


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