On biting:
"I think it's kind of funny, Mom, when you yell, "Ouch! No biting!" Like you're really going to stop feeding me? I think not. Not with the cute smile I have. He he he."
On rolling:
"Really, Mom, why would I ever crawl? I can get to whatever I want just by rolling multiple times. Even if it's something all the way across the room."
On sitting:
"I think I've finally got the hang of this! I can see so much better, I can reach for my toys and grab them, I can.. oh... oh... and I'm down!" He still has the occasional tumble, but I think it's official that he's a sitter!
On standing against the couch:
"Look how strong I am. No, really look at me! I know you thought I was just a little chub-a-lub, Mom, but I'm strong too! I'm one solid chunk of baby!"
On rice cereal:
"Ugh, sick! What is this?! Dirt? You put any more in Mom, and it's coming right back out. Fine. Fine. Don't listen. Pffft!" That, my friends, is the noise rice cereal makes as it gets spit out all over you.
On carrot baby food:
"Eh, I guess this will do. But you get to deal with the bright orange spit up on my church clothes later."
On peaches and applesauce:
"Oh, yeah. That's the stuff. Now we're talkin'! I might not even regurgitate any of this back onto you Mom. I may keep it all down. 'Cause it's that good. Mmmm."
On being sick:
"That kinda sucked. Especially the booger sucker (nasal aspirator) part. That really sucked."
On smiling:
"I can't even help it Mom. My face just does this on it's own, I swear. I'm just happy about everything and everyone!"

Jackson, we're so happy to have you, our Bubba Baby, our Milk Monkey, our Sweet Little Boy!