Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Ramblings of a Teacher

About a year ago, I started taking classes to get my Reading Endorsement. I looked at it not only as something that would help me to be a better teacher, but also it would open up doors for me to possibly be a Literacy Facilitator, and possibly work part time. That door was pretty much all but closed this year, as they started phasing out the Literacy Facilitator job. I'm a little bitter. By the time I am done with my endorsement classes, the job that I had possibly wanted will very likely no longer exist. Oh, and BTW, in order to be endorsed, I also have to be part of the first group to have to take and pass a big ol' long Praxis test. Did I get told about this when I started my endorsement? No. Do I have to pay for the test? Yes. Do I even know what to study? Kind of, because we are the guinea pigs for the test. So, if I don't pass the first time, can I take it again? Yes. Will I have to pay for it again? You betcha.

Now, I'm not really a quitter at anything by nature, but I'm feeling a little screwed. I'm seriously tempted to just drop out of my classes halfway through. The other part of me says just tough it out, and suck it up. But I feel like I've been having to say that to myself a lot lately, especially regarding things about my profession. It doesn't usually get me down, and I can usually roll with the punches pretty well, but enough is enough.

I may just have to do something drastic.

P.S. Got an email as I was working on this post. Tuition per endorsement class is going up $40.00. Think that's an omen?

I need some ice cream.


  1. Ice cream usually does the trick for me. :) Sorry, that's such a bummer!! Especially when you've invested so much time and money already into the program. Urgh! Good luck trying to figure it all out.

  2. i hope you enjoyed your ice cream. i am relieved to be done teaching - i think we're all getting screwed over in way too many situations lately.

    i don't really know what to tell you about what to do with the endorsement. paying so much sucks, but in the long run, will it help you jump lanes? that might make it more worth it.

    i don't doubt that you'd rock the praxis though - first time around. you can do it. put your back into it.

  3. Ice cream sounds perfect about now. We are definitely getting screwed in a lot of ways lately! I was considering getting my reading endorsement as well, but have since changed my mind. Seriously, could they make our jobs suck any more?

  4. Oh, flip! (I have so become a Utardian) I hate it when things get changed part way through the process. This week has actually had me thinking about career changes. Not just because of the boss but because we are getting screwed left and right. I knew I wasn't going to get paid much at this but I thought I'd get a little more respect.

  5. Aw, thanks you guys for letting me vent. :)

    Hayley, That's part of what sucks: I'm already maxed out on lane changes. I was really just doing it for the possible part time job.

    Mel, The reading endorsement classes have been okay, (actually some have been really great) I just wish they'd get their act together on what is actually required and how much it is going to cost. I'm on the fence as to whether I'd recommend it to anyone right now...

    Suzanne, So true!! All I'm askin' is for a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

  6. Oh i'm sorry heather. what a crock of crap! I hope you had some yummy ice cream.


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