Monday, August 16, 2010

Unlucky Thirteen

Beginning with Friday the 13th, this last weekend pretty much sucked. To give you an idea, here's the highlights:

Friday afternoon: Family crisis at the hospital. (Not me, Jer, Hayley, or Jackson, thank goodness.) Driving my bawling mom to the hospital. Keeping two tired kids entertained in a hospital. Being unprepared for said entertainment. (i.e. Low on diapers, no bottle for Jackson, no dollar bills for the vending machine.) Staying up too late.

Then I came home to: Neighbor's dog barking. All night. Midnight walk to neighbor's house, and having neighbors ignore my knocking, probably because they knew exactly why I was there, on their porch in the middle of the night. Barking continued. Two a.m. walk for Jeremy over to neighbor's house. He was ignored too. (At least now I didn't feel outdone...) Oh, and Jackson was up about four times. Seriously, his gums are still purple where he has molars coming in.

Saturday morning: I got up with the kids, which is not unusual, and I don't usually mind it. But by the time that Jeremy got up, I had worked myself up to being really irritated that he hadn't read my mind and gotten up out of bed to help deal with the kids. I see now just how much sense that did not make, and how much he did not deserve the tongue lashing he got from me, but in my sleep deprived delirium, it did make total sense to me. When it turned into a pissing match between the two of us about who was more tired, Jeremy, to his credit, got up and walked out, and went to work two hours early. I stewed for a while longer and then took a nap while the blessed children both napped at the same time. Woke up feeling pretty sheepish, and texted Jeremy an apology, which he reciprocated. Okay, I guess that's one good thing: The hubs and I both realize that we have way too much to do to stay mad or hold a grudge.

Saturday evening: Got in a disagreement with my dad about some of Friday's Drama. Really, sometimes I think I should just shut up and stop caring. At all. About anything. Because sometimes I feel all I do is get myself in trouble.

Saturday night: Finished the night off with some nasty text messages from my sister. Went to bed feeling like crap. Until the dog starting barking. Again. Jeremy told me to stop thrashing around in bed (which I was) and because I was too tired and worn out to start another fight, and I didn't really want to fight, I slept on the couch. Which was okay. It's a comfortable couch.

Sunday: Hayley wakes up, goes into my room, and finds my side of the bed empty. Starts yelling for me. Wakes up Jackson. Hayley also has a fever and sore throat. Awesome. And a disagreement with my mom about The Drama. We made up pretty quick though, so I still went to her house for Sunday dinner. To sit at the dinner table with her and my stepdad, who were also not speaking to each other due to a disagreement. It was great.

I used to feel bad when Jeremy would say that he "gets" to go back to work after being off for a few days, but man, was I glad I "got" to go to work today.

Oh yeah, Jackson turned one. Waiting to post on it until I feel a little more celebratory.


  1. shit. that was not a good weekend. i'm sorry.

    maybe you need another dinner at iggy's. that doesn't have to end early or with you going to school. i'll drive even ;)

  2. Oh, man! Maybe I need to treat you to a mani-pedi or something to get your mind off of it. So sorry, friend!! I can watch the kiddos for a couple hours to let you get some rest - seriously!! Call me!!

  3. that is some bad couple of days! i hope you get some good sleep and are drama free for an hour or two ;) love ya


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