Friday, October 1, 2010

September Faves

Favorite Food(s): Bananas and Strawberries
Favorite Treat: Gummies
Favorite Friend: Sydney
Favorite Book: If You Give a Moose a Muffin
Favorite Movie/Show: Spongebob Squarepants
Favorite Song: My Hands are Starting to Wiggle
Favorite Thing to Do Inside: Dance to music with Jackson
Favorite Thing to Do Outside: Play tag with friends
Favorite Thing About Jackson: When he gives kisses
Least Favorite Thing to Do: Have her hair washed
Funny Things She Says: "Today at preschool, we painted. But they didn't have paintbrushes, they just had sponges on sticks."
"Bee-pods" (beehives)

Favorite Food: Mandarin Oranges
Favorite Treat: Frozen Yogurt
Favorite Friend: Grandma Heidi
Favorite Book: Baby Signs
Favorite Movie/Show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Favorite Things to do Inside: Walk!!!
Favorite Things to Do Outside: Go for walks. (Walking, not in the stroller.)
Favorite Thing about Hayley: When she comes in his room after nap,
because that means Mom is fixing the bottle.
Least Favorite Thing to Do: Still, with the teething.
And being told no. He'll put his head down on the ground and just cry.
Things He Says: Mostly "Mama" but also buh buh (bottle), night night, grandma, love you.
And he'll lift his hands for up, and point at things he wants.

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