Saturday, October 30, 2010

Preschool Program for a Princess

When I pulled out Hayley's old Zebra costume for Jackson to wear this year, Hayley decided she wanted to match him. (Sweet, huh?) Enter the Zebra Princess costume...
(I think it's the dress that constitutes the "Princess" status.)

complete with a tail!
(She was all, "Now will you take a picture with my butt Mom? You know, to show my tail!)

I was so glad I took the morning off of work to go to Hayley's Preschool Program and Parade. The kids were darling, and Hayley was so excited, with a big grin all through the parade.

Then on to the program. Here are some highlights.

I'm a Mean Old Witch:

Pumpkin, Pumpkin:

and Row, Row, Row Your Boat, with a twist.

It's so much fun to watch her turn into her own little person, with her spunky, yet shy, and sassy yet sweet personality. For all the times when she's a total turd, there's so many more when she's my favorite little girl in the whole world!

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