For the Halloween season this year, my Aunt Jan got a bunch of goodies for the kids, including this for Hayley:

She came and dropped them off during our crazy day last Saturday. We were bummed that we missed her, and wanted to tell her thanks in person, so we made some cookies and Hayley made a card, and we went to Aunt Jan's to visit. While there, she mentioned the Trick or Treating event that they have at her work. Knowing that the weather wasn't supposed to be optimal this weekend, I kind of invited myself and my kids to come and trick or treat at her work. Rude to invite myself? Maybe. But worth it? Heck yes!
Friday after I was done with an early out day at work, we headed uptown. Hayley was amazed by all the pirate loot as she got off the elevator. Little did she know there was more (a lot more!) where that came from!
We moved on to the Decorate Your Own Treat Bag station. Hayley could have probably stayed there for an hour with all the bags, paper, glue, markers, and stickers.
Then it was time for some heavy duty trick or treating. Four floors of offices. Indoors. With no cars, no darkness, and no rain. It was wonderful, enjoyable, and we left with so much yummy candy! Thanks to Aunt Jan for letting us come.
Oh, and Jackson had what I think was his first real taste of candy. He would not let go of the dum-dum in the picture above. I'm pretty sure this is how he felt about it:
See that reach? Like, "What else ya got, Mom?"
Trouble, I tell you.
But dang cute trouble.
Both of 'em.
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