Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Cheer

 When I signed Hayley up for dance this year, she was dead set on doing a cheerleading class.  I was concerned, knowing that she would be among the youngest in the class, and knowing that many times with Hayley, she likes the idea of doing new things more than actually doing them.  I tried to talk her out of it, but she had her mind pretty well made up.  She does make a very cute little cheerleader.

Here's her Christmas dance.  She was very excited to get picked to do a toe touch "by herself, with just one other person."

After she performed, I told her that she had done great.  She, in turn, started crying and told me, "I messed up a lot."  In looking back at the video, there are a lot of girls up there, and a lot going on, and she does look a little lost sometimes, but her little tears just broke my heart.  I sat her down and told her that everyone messes up, that's not what dancing is about.  It's about having fun and doing it because you like it.  I told her that as long as she did her best and had fun that's all that matters.  She calmed down and got her dancer medal and seemed better.  She has talked about her cheer class since then, and doesn't seem quite so jazzed about it, but I think it's good for her to follow through on the choice that she made.  After that I'm okay if she doesn't do any more cheerleading.  I don't need her long legs in that short of a skirt anyway. :)

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