Saturday, May 23, 2009


As many of you know, choosing a name for this newest Bachman offspring has proven to be a chore.  Part of it is totally my fault, or rather the fault of the career path that I have chosen. There are many names that just will not do, because I had a kid with that name in my class over the years, and he was the stinky kid, the slow kid, the obnoxious kid, etc.  Part of it is society's fault, because I swear there are lots fewer boy names than girl names to begin with.  And I'm blaming part of it on Jeremy, because he's just as picky as I am.

So, without further ado, this child will be further known as Jackson Drake Bachman.   I got the Jackson and the J.D. initials, and Jeremy picked the middle name.  I don't love it, but I'll deal with it.  Still not sure where he got it from, since this is the only Drake I know:

Professor Lugwig Von Drake of the Ducktales cartoons.  More recently of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse cartoons.

Hayley has taken to calling the baby Jackson Drake Cupcake.  I guess if you are going to give your little brother a nickname, it could be a lot worse, right?


  1. Love the name Jackson! I understand about students ruining names for you. I think it'll be hard for me to ever pick a name for a baby.

  2. Nice. We just barely decided on a name too. It was hard. We were both too quick to veto one another. Jackson is a really cute name.

  3. The post with that information is coming soon, right heather? You know how I can't stand suspense!

  4. Jackson Drake sounds good. You don't have to tell anyone his middle name. Hayley's new picture is darling!

  5. Glad you got your way- I love Jackson!
    And at least you made your decision before the baby was born, I can't tell you how many parents struggle to pick out a name before they are leaving the hospital- like you didn't have 9 whole months to think about this guys...

  6. I actually like Drake - it sounds really good with Jackson. I'm with you on the student thing. Cute background too - i swear you always have a new one lately. having trouble deciding on that too?? :)


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