Sunday, May 3, 2009

What did you say?

Sometimes I swear this kid is like a sponge, and other times, I don't know where she gets this stuff. Here are some of Hayley's favorite things to say lately:

"That's not necessary Mom."

"What do you think about that situation?"

"Okay, here's the deal..."

"Put your seat belt on or the policeman will come yell at you!"

"Don't look at me. You're bugging me!"

"Actually, I don't think so."

"How about you go to Time Out and I go on the Trax Train to Disneyland by myself?"

"So, how was your day?"

"You're killin' me!"

"Seriously? Seriously?"

"That's a great idea!"

"I'm hungry! I'm just so hungry every single day!" (Of course, usually she says this in public, causing others to think we starve our child. Funny how she's only "so hungry" when she wants a treat.)

"Stupid grandpa car. What an idiot!" (She got this one from the movie Cars. Apparently I need to sensor the Disney movies she watches.)

Also, when she sings "Ring Around the Rosie" her "ashes, ashes" sounds a little more like... well, something else... (Take out the H)

Other funny conversations:

Me: "Hayley, what do you think we should name the baby?"
Hayley: "I think Jackson. Or Cupcake. That would be okay."

Hayley: "Mom, are you Santa?"
Me: (a little stunned) "Do I look like Santa?"
Hayley: "Your tummy does!"
She has a point. I'm just glad she wasn't asking if I was the Santa at all of her three years old.

Hayley: "Mom, where does Buddy (Whitney's dog) go poop?"
Me "On the grass."
Hayley: "Because he's a dog?"
Me: "Yes."
Hayley: "I wish I was a dog so I could go poop on the grass."
I guess it's never too early to dream big.

And two more that are just plain sweet:

I asked Hayley to share one of her gummies with me. She gave me one and said, "I'm sharing with you. Know why? Because I love you!"

After an evening of Hayley being a Naughty Nellie and not staying in bed, I was laying with her until she fell asleep. I thought she was asleep and leaned over to kiss her cheek and said, "I love you." Apparently she wasn't asleep, because she rolled over and said, "I love you too, Mom. You're my best mommy. I love you even when I'm naughty."
Way to know when it's time to suck up kid!


  1. I think mentally Hayley is around 14! I can't believe all the things she comes up with! So full of spunk! I can't wait to see her interact with her (future) brother!

  2. Okay, I was sitting here with tears running down my face because these are so funny! She definitly picked up a few of those from you. The day she says, "Act normal!" will be the best! And so sweet at the end. She needs to come play dress up with Ava.

  3. oh my gosh - she's hilarious. what a doll. i can't believe how mature she seems!!!

  4. She is such a crack-up! These are hilarious. I love the "Seriously?" She totally got that from you didn't she?!

  5. Hehe! I love it! What a little woman she is. So cute.


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