Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's a Party!

The excitement starts a day early around here, on Christmas Eve's Eve. We headed to my mom's for breakfast-for-dinner, some Christmas singing, and a reading of the story of Christmas. My mom wanted a talent show, but she was out-voted.
Hayley's favorites were her Princess Barbies. Possibly because for the second year in a row, she was nosy enough before Christmas to discover her presents. Both at Grandma Heidi and Grandpa Bob's house and here at home. Sheesh.

Jeremy loved his fake hair hat (for more on that, please see the post below...), and Stacey loved Jackson. For the evening. We didn't give him away as a Christmas present. :)

The next night we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Bachman's for more yummy food and fun gifts.

I tried for a cute shot of the cousins in front of the Christmas tree...

But I guess some shots under the tree will have to do!

Christmas morning we woke up to this:
(Really, how could the four month old be so excited for Christmas?
I'd think he wouldn't even know.)

Hayley got a stash, but I think the princess castle for her little dollies was the favorite. She set up all her presents like that and told me to take a picture. (Which I did after we had a little discussion about asking, instead of being bossy.)

Here they are excited for more Christmas fun at Grandpa Dame's and Aunt Marilyn's.

I rounded out the day by taking the Christmas decorations down. Because as much fun as we had, I was also ready for the Big Day to be over!


  1. That baby is so sweet. Does he have huge smiles like that all of the time? Seriously, he is so cute!!!(in a masculine sort of way).

  2. He is adorable in his First Christmas outfit - love those smiles!!


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