Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Puerto Vallarta

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Jeremy and my stepdad Robert were up bright and early to go scuba diving. My mom and I went on a Jungle Safari, which was basically a bus ride through the city, through a little town and up to a restaurant way up in the mountains. It was really pretty, with all the greenery, a waterfall, warm temperatures, and most of all, sunshine! From there we took a short hike with the guide arourd the surrounding area, including crossing a stream barefoot while having little fishies nip at our toes! We then did some shopping in town on the way back, and headed back to the ship to get ready for our next excursion.

We met the guys back at the ship and got ready for our Sunset Sailboat ride. The sunset was great, as you can see above, but the whale that stayed right by our boat really stole the show! First I just got his tail a few times, but then I got an awesome video.

It was so neat!

1 comment:

  1. So I'm watching the video and thinking, "um, I don't see the whale. Am I missing something?" And then up it pops! Very cool.


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