Thursday, November 19, 2009

For My Teacher Friends

This is a piece of writing I found in a teacher book titled Rainbows, Head Lice, and Pea Green Tile. Teachers, you'll relate to this. And parents, I hope you are not offended by this. If you are offended, then quit doing your kid's work. :)

The Note I Never Sent
To the Father of Martin Ambrose

Dear Mr. Ambrose,

Congratulations on the lovely job you did
With Martin's science project.
Your tree cross-section was accurate
And the root system was structurally correct.
Enclosed you will find Martin's version of the project.
I had him do it at school today.
It's not quite as detailed as yours
But it's very good.
You'll be happy to know
Martin earned a B.

Mrs. Lester


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