Sunday, November 29, 2009

Note: Thanksgiving = Turkey

"Hey, Mom! Look at that blow up goose on their lawn!"
"It's a turkey sweetie."

"Mmm, this chicken is good!"
"It's turkey honey."

Upon seeing the bones after the carving:
"Mom, did that used to be a dinosaur?"
"No, Hales. It used to be a turkey."
"Oh. Right."

We may be well past the holiday before Hayley associates Thanksgiving with not only the right bird, but the correct animal in general. One that hasn't been extinct for millions of years.

It was a fun holiday anyway, especially with this Little Turkey.

Although it's getting to be a joke to call him a "Little" anything. Jackson had a doctor's appointment the day before Thanksgiving, and weighed in at 15 lbs 7 oz. That's the 75th percentile, up from the 19th percentile at his last visit! The doctor was surprised, but not concerned, since his length matched his height at 25 inches and 76th percentile.

I don't care how much you grow Jackson, you'll still be my little boy for ever and ever, even when you're big(ger)!


  1. he is darling. and i love how funny hayley is!

  2. "It's a turkey sweetie", hilarious. I can just hear the sarcasm. What a cutie. Oh and that baby will be adorable no matter how big he gets! Sorry I've been a lousy commented as of late. I usually only look at blogs while I nurse and well one arm is occupodo so that explains it. I still read though, and love you.

  3. Hilarious! Love that little Hayley!

  4. Your little Jackson is adorable! And, I LOVE reading your Hayley-ism. She is so FUNNY!


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