Thursday, May 20th was Hayley's preschool graduation/program with Miss Margene's Creative Classroom Preschool. Graduation for the kids who are going on to Kindergarten next year, and program for the kids like Hayley who still have another year of preschool. My favorite was hearing thirty four and five year olds say the Pledge of Allegiance. Oh, and this conversation, when Hayley got her certificate:
Miss Margene: "Hayley, what do you like best about preschool?"
Hayley: "Going outside."
(They don't really do this at preschool, they don't have a play yard. I think she meant when they went outside to see the fireman's fire truck the week before.)
Miss Margene: "But what do you like best about preschool?"
Hayley: "I love to sit down."
Really, Hayley? You must be holding out on us at home!

So fun to see her with her cute little friends that she talks about:

And to get this sweet "good morning" during the "The More We Get Together" song:
And to hear the rest of songs that we've been hearing bits and pieces of for the last few months:
Hayley: "Going outside."
(They don't really do this at preschool, they don't have a play yard. I think she meant when they went outside to see the fireman's fire truck the week before.)
Miss Margene: "But what do you like best about preschool?"
Hayley: "I love to sit down."
Really, Hayley? You must be holding out on us at home!

So fun to see her with her cute little friends that she talks about:

And to get this sweet "good morning" during the "The More We Get Together" song:
And to hear the rest of songs that we've been hearing bits and pieces of for the last few months:
(There was another one with all the letters of the alphabet, but it's like five minutes long, and wasn't uploading well. My favorite part was when the got to "O" and added, "The Octopus was optimistic. Optimistic, optimistic, everything will be okay!" along with the O.K. hand signal. So that's where she learned that word...)
Oh Hayley, when did you get so big? I could swear this was yesterday:
We sure love you Hayley Bug!
Congrats on your (practice) graduation!
P.S. You will also only be receiving practice money.
Just so we're clear.
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