and all the characters are dressed up in their Christmas sweaters,
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Merriest Place on Earth!
and all the characters are dressed up in their Christmas sweaters,
Sunday, December 27, 2009
It's a Party!
His nickname at work is Beaker.
And now I understand why.
No one tell him I posted that pic.
That's what he gets for not reading the blog!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Dancing is Hot!
First up, Hayley's little group put on a show at a retirement center. Hayley's looking a little stone faced because we had a curling iron mishap that morning. After multiple discussions about how the curling iron is "Hot, HOT!" Hayley decided she needed to find out for herself. With her finger. After some tears and a "kiss" bandaid (that's the one that goes up and over the fingertip, sometimes it's a slobbery kiss if it needs Neosporin) and a "hug" bandaid (that's the one that goes around the finger to make sure the kiss stays on) on her blistered finger, we actually still made it to the performance on time. And, she actually danced, and wasn't just the crier or the stander-therer! (The criers and stander-therers are still totally cute, by the way, if you happen to have one of those!)
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hey, You!
- An explanation of "Hug and Kiss" bandaids
- Hayley's first dance concert
- The Holiday Trip to Disneyland!
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Joy of the Boy
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I Needed a Little Christmas Spirit
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Live in the Moment
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
P.S. or Sassyfrass 101
We were getting ready to go when Hayley informed me that she didn't have shoes on. She did this by saying, "Uh, Mom? P.S. We need to go get my shoes!" Yeah, guilty as charged. I might say the "P.S." from time to time.
Hayley: "Mom, if you and Daddy are both here, then who is the Main Boss?"
Me: "We both are."
Hayley: "No! 'Cause there can only be one Main Boss! That's the rules!"
Me: (No response, because by now I am ignoring her.)
Hayley: "Fine! You don't want to talk about it? I guess I'll just have to be the Main Boss!"
You wish, Hayley, you wish.
Me: "Hayley, you are working on a time out."
Hayley: "I will just crunch you!"
Okay. Whatever kiddo.
Me: "Hayley, I made you a dentist appointment."
Hayley: "I'm so excited! The dentist will be so proud of me, because I am a good toothbrusher!"
Hopefully, that attitude about the dentist stays around!
Me: "Hayley, I'm so proud of you!"
Hayley: "You're welcome."
Way to get to the point.
And some Hayley-ese (added syllables, made up words, etc.)
"Mom, can I play with my Littlest Pet Shop-ez?"
"No I amn't!"
"I'm in the 'puter room!" (Computer room)
"Let's watch Sleeping Beau-ty!" (Beau-ty makes me laugh, because she says each syllable so precisely, while most of the rest of us just slur it all together. Maybe her Utah accent just hasn't kicked in yet, eh?)
P.S. I love this girl. And all her sassiness and spunk. Just don't tell her I love it. She's already enough of a handful!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Note: Thanksgiving = Turkey
"It's a turkey sweetie."
"Mmm, this chicken is good!"
"It's turkey honey."
Upon seeing the bones after the carving:
"Mom, did that used to be a dinosaur?"
"No, Hales. It used to be a turkey."
"Oh. Right."
We may be well past the holiday before Hayley associates Thanksgiving with not only the right bird, but the correct animal in general. One that hasn't been extinct for millions of years.
It was a fun holiday anyway, especially with this Little Turkey.
I don't care how much you grow Jackson, you'll still be my little boy for ever and ever, even when you're big(ger)!
Monday, November 23, 2009
So Thankful
I'm thankful for my family. My mom, dad, both sisters, and most of the extended family all live within a half hour drive of us. Sometimes I think I take this for granted. I'm so glad that my kids know and love their grandparents, and even their great grandma. I'm thankful for my sisters, both of which I also consider friends.
I'm thankful for my husband. I tell him all the time that we would have never been friends in high school, so it's a good thing we didn't meet then. I'm so proud of his work ethic and what an amazing dad he is. He's able to be home with our kids for three days during the week, and you can tell it in the bonds he has with our kids.
I'm thankful for my two wonderful children. Happy, healthy (for the most part), cute, fun to hang out with, go to bed and stay asleep fairly easily. And funny and sassy. At least Hayley is. And I'm sure Jackson will hold his own.
I'm thankful for a job that I like most days, and truly love some days. It's so nice to do something that I love, that I know that I am good at (sorry, but it's true) and get paid to do it. Plus the kiddos crack me up, and I get to work with a team of gals that are some of my favorite people.
I'm thankful for the internet. And blogging. And Facebook. Let me explain. People, in person, sometimes make me nervous. Especially people that I haven't seen in a while, or don't know very well. I feel like I constantly flub up what I want to say, and look dumb. There are lots of old friends and new friends that I feel like I've gotten to know much better from glimsping into their lives through their posts. So, I guess really I'm thankful for friends, old and new.
And a few more random things I'm thankful for:
Curling irons, Diet Coke, Rolaids, compressed air (flat tire last night), preschool, a potty trained kid, cell phones, seat belts, Tylenol, heat, central air, Snapfish, hand-me-downs, Miche bags, hoodies, electricity (power went out last night), Mulan, microwaves, Nuk binkies, makeup, hot showers, Disneyland, a paid-off car, flashlights, toliet paper, band-aids, a warm bed, a home, my country, the Pledge of Allegiance, soldiers, Thanksgiving, hugs, kisses, and cuddles.
Who could ask for more?
So thankful for a wonderful life that I love to live every day.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
For My Teacher Friends
Monday, November 16, 2009
That's Just the Way I Roll
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Time Had Come
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Tiger and the Mouse
Well Aware (Tagged... Maybe)
Five things I don't leave the house without:
- diaper bag (I learned my lesson with Hayley that if I leave without it, there will be mess!)
- something cool to pull out of the bag for Hayley when she gets restless
- shoes
- keys
- cell phone
Five cartoons I watched when I was younger:
- Jem and the Hollagrams
- The Smurfs
- Maya the Bee
- Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers
- Saved by the Bell (Technically not a cartoon, but it was on Saturday mornings...)
Five things that terrify me:
- Something bad happening to one of my kids
- Something bad happening to my husband
- Something bad happening to one of my parents
- Something bad happening to one of my sisters
- Scary movies
Five things I dislike that everyone else seems to like:
- Scrapbooking
- Cycling
- Onions
- Peppers
- Flying
Five things I want to do before I die:
- Get to my goal weight (sometime before I am dead...)
- Be totally debt free (car, house, everything)
- Visit family in the Netherlands
- Go to Paris with Jeremy
- Have an annual pass to Disneyland
Five people I tag:
- Mel
- Kimi
- heather
- Kelley
- Jen
Friday, November 6, 2009
Do Me a Favor
"So what exactly do you do all day that I have to help my child with work at home?"
(Hello, that's part of your job as a parent! Feel free to come in and see what I do all day! Even better, feel free to come in and do what I do all day.)
"We don't really believe in homework in our family."
(Well, we believe in it here at school. Please support what we do, especially when we are trying to teach your child important concepts and responsibility in the process.)
"Well, I never learned that and I turned out just fine."
(That's a matter of opinion. Please don't give your child an "out" so they don't have to work hard.)
However, feel free to say these:
"Thanks for all you do."
"What can I do to help my child?"
"I appreciate you."
"My child likes coming to your class."
"You're very organized."
Can you tell it was Parent Teacher Conferences this week? Hence the lack of Halloween posting as of yet. It's coming, I promise.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
He Just Loves Me!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Vegas Baby!

Friday, October 16, 2009
Think They're Related?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Parental Vocabulary
"The Transfer" - the act of moving a sleeping child from the car to their bed without waking them. A successful transfer may just be a parenting legend.